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Resources for Community Engaged Scholarship (CES)

Journals & Guides to CES

Helpful Websites


Reference Books, Journals, and Guides

  • Community-Based Participatory Research for Health. (2003). Mikler, M. and Wallerstein, N. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. — Reference book explains how to create a CES program and the expected outcomes of a successful program.

  • Handbook of Engaged Scholarship: Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions. (2012). Fitzgerald, Hiram E, Cathy Burack, and Sarena D Seifer, Michigan State University Press. — Handbook explaining different dimensions of CEnR; includes thoughful entries on the social and academic signifance of such research.

  • Community-Based Archaeology: Research with, by, and for Indigenous and Local Communities. (2012). Atalay, Sonya. — While this book is focused on archaeological field methods, it provides a versatile dialogue on shifting research from a one-way study about people to something that is done with communities.


Journals, Articles, and Guides

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